Tagged with 'Manufacturing Ergonomics'

How To Mask Steering and Suspension Components

Masking designs for steering and suspension components

Masking is crucial in the coating process, especially for complex components like those found in steering and suspension systems. These parts often feature complex geometries, tight tolerances, and critical surfaces that must remain uncoated to ensure optimal performance.

Throughout this post, we will take you through various masking products and designs used to mask shock tubes, steering knuckles, tie-rods, and control arms that are manufactured for today's most famous automotive, heavy machinery, and power sports vehicles!

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Industry Spotlight - Integrated Suppliers and Echo Engineering

Echo Engineering Integrated suppliers

In the fast-paced world of manufacturing and engineering, staying ahead of the competition requires not only innovation but also strategic partnerships. Echo Engineering has been at the forefront of this paradigm shift, leading the way with its groundbreaking collaborations with integrated suppliers. In this industry-highlight blog post, we'll explore how Echo's commitment to seamless integration is transforming the landscape and redefining the possibilities for businesses across various sectors.

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How Powder Coaters Can Improve Their Masking Operations in 2024

powder coating masking tips

If you're a powder coater wanting to make changes to improve your masking operations, this post is for you! Echo Engineering is here to guide you through actionable changes that can revolutionize your masking processes and elevate your results.

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How Much Does Custom Die-Cut Masking Tape Cost?

custom die-cut tape

Masking is essential for many powder coaters, e-coaters, and other metal finishers. However, using standard rolls of tape can lead to wasted time & resources, injuries, and a higher reject rate. Custom die-cut masking tape is a specialized solution that can help streamline your production process and save you money in the long run. But how much does it cost to switch to custom die-cut masking tape?

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How to Mask Bolts, Studs, and Tube Ends | Metal Coating Guide

masking caps for bolts and tubes

In this post, we are going to take you through how to easily mask off bolts, studs, and tube ends during coating processes, such as powder coating and electrocoating.

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Automotive Plastic Fasteners: Fir Tree Design Basics

Fir tree design for plastic fasteners

The fir tree design (also called the x-mas tree design) on fasteners and clips is a solid design capable of high removal forces to ensure it remains in place. It is most commonly found on many off-the-shelf push panel fasteners that are widely available from various sources. But what about when you need more of a custom solution for your application?

In this post, we will take you through the pros of using fir-tree features, some commonly used designs, and a few other technical elements you should know.

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Masking Ergonomics for High-Volume Manufacturing Lines

masking ergonomics

Repetitive motion injuries. Labor shortages. Manufacturing line bottleneck.  These are just a few of the many reasons why it's time to take a closer look into the ergonomics and efficiencies of your masking operations.

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