Type II Anodizing Masking Tapes

Anodizing masking tapes

Type II anodizing is a specific type of anodizing process used to enhance the surface of aluminum and its alloys. In anodizing, the aluminum part is immersed in an electrolytic solution, usually sulfuric acid, and an electric current is passed through it. This process creates a protective oxide layer on the surface of the aluminum.

Masking is often needed during Type II anodizing (sulfuric acid anodizing) to protect certain areas of a part from being anodized or to control the appearance and functionality of specific features. In this post, we’re going to take you through the best tapes to use to mask off areas that you want to keep clear of any coating.

Green Poly Masking Tape

Green polyester tape is one of the most commonly used masking tape for Type II anodizing processes. This option is made of silicone adhesive (sticks well to aluminum surfaces yet removes cleanly) and a polyester back (excellent chemical resistance that prevents the tape from degrading).

Other Available Green Poly Options:

Green poly anodizing tapeGreen poly anodizing tape

Adhesive Vinyl Masking Tape

Adhesive vinyl tape is a great option for anodizing because of its chemical resistance, conformability, ability to provide an effective moisture barrier, and it removes cleanly, minimizing cleanup labor.

Vinyl tape for anodizingVinyl tape for anodizing

Lead Foil Masking Tape

Lead foil masking tape is a great option for anodizing, as the lead is resistant to chemicals used during the process. The rubber adhesive used also bonds well to aluminum surfaces.

Pro-Tip for Anodizers: For cleaner masking lines with lead foil tape, we recommend masking parts 24 hours before parts are put through your anodizing process.

Other Available Lead Foil Options:

3m lead foil tape for anodizing3m lead foil tape for anodizing

Aluminum Foil Masking Tape

Aluminum foil masking tape is another good masking option for Type II anodizing, primarily because it is resistant to the chemicals used during the process.

This option uses acrylic adhesive, which may not result in a clean removal. We recommend using an adhesive remover to remove any leftover excess adhesive.

Pro-Tip for Anodizers: For cleaner masking lines with aluminum foil tape, we recommend masking parts 24 hours before they are put through your anodizing process.

Other Available Lead Foil Options:

Aluminum foil masking tape for anodizingAluminum foil masking tape for anodizing

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